High Power (50W) Short Duration (HPSD) procedures of AF ablation with commercially available catheters.
What will you learn in 35 minutes?
- how to optimally set you EP hardware for safe, fast and effective HPSD AF ablation;
- how to use commercially available catheters for HPSD AF ablation;
- how to perform HSPD AF ablation with one transeptal access;
- how to perform transeptal puncture directly with Agilis steerable sheath;
- how to shorten RF ablation below the cryoablation time;
- how to ablate with HPSD on posterior wall to minimise the oesophagus injury (“posterior wall jumping technique”);
- how to reduce the pain of applications felt by the conscious patient;
- how to use non-standard voltage map cut-offs to improve the effectiveness of AF ablation.
This practical presentation is based on clinical cases with recorded HSPD applications.
Your questions are more than welcome.